Why we, and not the government, should be training our children

If you haven’t read the information on the “Why Homeschool” link, please start there.

We are called to train up our children. The school system does a pretty lousy job. Training up a child is far more than sitting at a desk all day doing worksheets and tests upon tests. We should be training them up in all practical ways as well, hence why I consider education to be titled “paideia” rather than simply education. In today’s world, education simply implies book-smart. But what about morals, character, and integrity? What about creating a joy for education in our children? And how about real life, hands on activities that they can never get in a school? When our children are gone for 8 hours a day, sitting at a desk, and then come home to do 1-2 hours of homework, we simply have no time left to train them. Plus, many parents have been at work all day and are exhausted. So the remainder of the day ends up being homework, dinner, shower, and bed. When your time is that limited, it leaves you no room for instilling the things that truly matter.


When you choose a home centered education, you have complete control of your schedule and curriculum. Your homeschool is a reflection of your family and values; the school system is not (at least not for me). By being home with your children and pouring into them, you are able to instill these values and help develop character. You will never regret all of the love, time, and work you spend pouring into your children. But I believe that if you chose not to be home and educate them, you will regret all of the time and opportunities that were lost. And you can never get that time back.

 With homeschooling, it is so much more than academic subjects. We are developing character and integrity in our children. We are molding their souls. Through training and discipling (not disciplining… but that happens too) our children, we are more focused on their whole-being – equipping them well for life. Even the little things like chores and how they see us serving is modeling for them how to contribute to the family. This is training them up for the most important things in life- serving others, being a husband or wife, being a mom or dad, putting God first. They cannot get this from a school building or a few hours a week at home.


If we are to bring up our children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4), we want them to be taught from God’s perspective. Once they have matured intellectually and developed a Christian worldview, then they can read and study under unbelieving teachers. Until then, they are soldiers in training.  


 Children are not designed by God to be sitting at a desk all day. They are meant to be active. They need to be creative. And obviously, they are all unique and learn in different ways. And that is the beauty of home centered education. You can find what works for each child and work on a personal level. Many days you can turn into life experiences and field trips. Learning is far more than books and tests. And how about practical things such as cooking and cleaning. Making a budget. Taking care of the house and yard. Serving others. How do they learn this in school? This should all be a priority, not simple something left to the weekend as a minor role in their life.


If you knew some of the things your child is seeing and hearing in school, you would probably lose your mind. My oldest was very open with me and told me all kinds of stories of things she was exposed to at school (both public and private). And it was astonishing! We actually need to be sheltering our children. Don’t let that word become a negative. It is our job to protect their innocence as long as possible. We want them to be filled with truth and light.


You might be thinking I don’t have the patience. Then all of the lies pour in: I don’t have the knowledge.... I’m not smart enough.... my kids will drive me crazy… I need to work… We’re too different and butt heads. But these are all lies from Satan. God has called you, and if He has called you, He will equip you. We have been equipped for every good work in Christ.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Eph. 2:10



Maybe you don’t think public school is so bad. You think you were “called” to send your children to the school to be a good example and a light. Yeah… maybe it’s not Christian, but you figure it’s pretty neutral. But there is no such thing. You are either for God or you are against God…. On the wrong side…. An enemy of God. And our public school system wants nothing to do with God. There is no neutrality. In general, the teachers, administration and curriculum is centered on a liberal, secular worldview. Sure, there are some Christian teachers. But in general, the public school has nothing to do with a Christian worldview. And a Christian worldview is what we should be wanting to instill in our children. Sending them to a school building all day will cause confusion. We tell them one thing in Sunday school or at a bedtime prayer at night, but then send them into a liberal, anti-God environment Monday through Friday. You do the math. They can’t help but to go with the herd.

But my children are in a Christian school you say. Well, I can tell you a hundred reasons why this is just about the same thing. Not only was I in Catholic school all of my life, I have also taught at a Christian school and three of my children have spent a large chunk of their lives in a Christian school. So I have seen it from all angles. It is just prettier on the outside and the problems are hidden a little better.

Homeschooling is a hard journey. But a truly rewarding and fulfilling one! And where you find you have weakness, you can outsource for help. For example, I had a math tutor come once a week to help one of my high schoolers with geometry. That just isn’t my cup of tea. And she excelled! And I didn’t have the stress of trying to teach something I am not comfortable with and I could focus on other things.


What will break your heart most is if your child takes the wrong road in life. He or she chooses not to follow Christ. Not that you didn’t excel in teaching math or science. And in being home to train up our children, our goal is to set them on the right path. It is not a guaranteed equation with a guaranteed outcome. But we can trust that God loves these children more than us since they are just on loan to us from Him. 

I highly recommend this book if you are on the fence about homeschooling. This will help you to see why we are called to homeschool and train up our children; not some government institution.

Education: Does God Have an Opinion? – Israel Wayne



My Story


Spelling. It matters